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April 15, 1989, Hu Yaobang died of heart attack at age of 74. Immediately, people around the nation began to organize activities to commemorate Hu, who was removed from the post of The General Secretary of the Communist Party during 1986-87 students movement. #Tiananmen Square became the center for the protesters.

April 17. There were more and more posters and banners calling for more freedom and democracy. A group of students from Beijing universities put forward a petition with seven demands including "freedom of the press" and "more transparency to fight corruption".

April 19. First independent student organization was formed in Peking University by a free election.

April 22, the day of the official memorial ceremony for Hu. A crowd of over 100,000 students from more than 30 Universities in Beijing marched down the streets and were applauded by thousands of people on #Tiananmen Square. After a sit-in demonstration at the Square failed to receive government response, student representatives from 19 universities announced 7 demands in their petition to the government. The students also called for a nationwide strike on classes. Most of the Universities in Beijing went on strike.

On April 26, the People's Daily front page carried an editorial, which labeled student activities during Hu's memorial ceremony "plotted riot". It also attacked any criticism toward the government. The day before, Deng Xiaoping, in a speech widely distributed among Communist party cadres in Beijing, called for the use of armed forces against the students and talked about a bloody crackdown that came true later.

On April 27, 150,000 students exploded with huge parades around Beijing. The parade went on for 15 hours and ended peacefully. Over a million people cheered the students and supported them food and beverages. The government agreed to talk with the students.

In the afternoon of April 29, government officials selected a group of students, most of them members of the Communist party, for a 3-hour talk. This manipulated talk was rejected by the student body. Instead the students elected their own representatives and demand a direct dialogue between the government and the student representatives. The strike went on.

May 4. 150,000 students gathered at #Tiananmen Square for another peaceful demonstration. They published "New 5.4 Declaration.", which calls for more political and economical freedom, and continued their push to open talk with the government. For the first time, journalists and intellectuals walked shoulder by shoulder with the students. "No more lies in the news and media" was one of their banners.

On the same day, Zhao Ziyang, the General Secretary of the CCP, made a speech to recognize students as "patriotic," . But the government continued to delay a new talk with the students.

May 10, the news media held a demonstration of its own. Protestors called for more freedom of press and demanded a re-evaluation of World Economic Herald, the Shanghai-based newspaper that was shut down by Jiang Zemin after carrying reports on student movement. Jiang was selected by Deng to be the nominal head of CCP after the Massacre On June 4th.

May 13, frustrated by the government's rejection of an open dialogue, hundreds of students began a hunger strike on #Tiananmen Square.

May 14, the number of hunger strike students increased to 3000. The government began to open a talk with the students for about 3 hours. But the talk failed because the government rejected the demand that the talk would be broadcasted "live and uncensored". Students on hunger strike shouted, "I desire rice, but I desire democracy more."

May 15, hundreds of students were taken to hospital for emergency care while the remaining over 2,000 students continued the hunger strike. The society began to display great sympathy to the students from all angles. Teachers, scientists, researchers, writers, journalists, and many other citizens had all voiced their support, and at one time people gathered at the #Tiananmen Square surpassed one million. The government declared that talk with the students had begun and asked the students to return to schools.

May 17, over a million people from all walks marched onto #Tiananmen Square to show support of the students. Students continued to demand for a formal dialog with the government. People from 30 cities across the country held demonstrations to support students in Beijing.

May 18, Li Peng received student leaders at the People's Great Hall. The news of the meeting was televised to the nation, although the talk accomplished little.

May 19, workers who were supporting the students formed Free Labor Union on #Tiananmen Square.

Zhao Ziyan visited the students said, "We have come too late, and we are sorry."

Later the day, news that the government was preparing for declaring martial law was leaked to students leaders. The Hunger Strike Headquarter held a meeting and decided to end the hunger strike at 9 pm, but students would stay on #Tiananmen Square in form of sit-in demonstration

In a 11 pm speech, Li Peng reaffirmed the government's stiff stand and declared martial law in Beijing. Military troops were to enter the city and clear the Square.

May 20, the troops, with their trucks and tanks, were not able to enter the city when entering streets were blocked effectively by large number of residents and students. Some of the residents even carried their kids to show the troops that people in Beijing were peaceful, law-abiding.

May 22, Zhao Ziyang, who made his last public appearance at #Tiananmen Square visiting the students, resigned as the General Secretary of CCP. Jiang Zemin, the Party chief of Shanghai, was recalled to Beijing.

May 23, The army pulled back to outside Beijing on May 23 after attempts to enter the city failed. Student supporters from all over the country kept streaming into #Tiananmen Square. The students body were split on whether to retreat from #Tiananmen Square.

May 27, the Beijing Alliance to Protect the Constitution, which was set up to coordinate various groups involved in the movement, accepted the motion of the Student Headquater on the Square, and recommended that the students leave #Tiananmen Square by May 30. But the recommendation was rejected by the representatives of students from over 300 universities, many of them from outside of Beijing.

May 30, a statue of Goddess of Democracy stood up on #Tiananmen Square near noon. The statue was 10 meters high. A student read out the Declaration of Goddess of Democracy to an excited crowd.

June 1, the students announced conditions to open talk with the government, including to end martial law, retreat troops, and promise not to retaliate students afterwards.

Meanwhile, army troops outside Beijing awaited orders to enter the city. Around the country, thousands of people held demonstrations in major cities, demanding the dismissal of Li Peng and an end to the martial law

June 2, Four intellectuals began a hunger strike on #Tiananmen Square.

A group of the members of the People's Congress of China, signed a petition for an emergency session to resolve the crisis, the number of signers exceeded the legal requirement, but the petition was ignored.

June 3. In the late evening the army troops received order to enter the city and capture #Tiananmen Square at all cost.13 Army Groups of the PLA, over 250,000 troops attacked Beijing from all directions with tanks and armored personnel carriers. Hundreds if not thousands were killed with tens of thousands wounded. Bystanders were chased and shot, including a boy at the age of 9. Explosive bullets were used against unarmed civilians. The CCTV televised the crushing of the Goddess of the Goddess of Democracy on #Tiananmen square by the tanks.
